Find all news related to InstaGreen, our urban farm in Barcelona, hydroponic cultivation, environmentaly friendly and pesticide free high-density growth, healthy microgreens, tasty herbs, new business models and delicious recipes by top chefs and cocktailmakers.
Why we believe in innovation using Low Tech solutions
It is probably weird to hear this from a company that has one of the modernest way of creating greens, yet contrary to the popular believe: high tech is not always the answer to your problems. We believe that low-tech is often the best way to go.
Become a professional smart urban farmer in only 4 days!
An intensive training to make you a professional smart urban farmer in only 4 days! Starting an indoor urban farm would be a great occasion for you to make a profit out of a sustainable activity, creating at the same time something good for everyone around you. If you would like to build your own microgreens business, but you don’t know how to start, well, we’re here to help you!
Kevin the Epic Gardener visiting the InstaGreen microgreen farm in Barcelona
Kevin the Epic Gardener visited us in the middle of Barcelona. In this tour he takes you through our old and new farm. You'll learn a ton about unique microgreen growing methods as well...