
Find all news related to InstaGreen, our urban farm in Barcelona, hydroponic cultivation, environmentaly friendly and pesticide free high-density growth, healthy microgreens, tasty herbs, new business models and delicious recipes by top chefs and cocktailmakers.

Customer case – Meet Becky of Planet Greens on Mallorca

Former sailor charts a new course as a Mallorcan microgreen farmer. Born in England and raised in Kenya, Becky Sell found her way to Mallorca during a gap year. The Spanish island became her home base as she worked as a stewardess and a deck hand on private yachts that would come into port. Nowadays, she has put down roots on the island as she charts a course as a novice microgreens farmer.

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Customer case – Meet Graham of Greeny Grow AB in Sweden

A Scot in a kilt. Growing microgreens in Sweden. Every Monday and Thursday, Graham sets off from his farm in Frillesås, Sweden with a truckload of freshly harvested microgreens grown in his indoor vertical farm. Originally from Scotland, Graham turns heads when supermarket shoppers realize the man arranging his produce on shelves is dressed in a kilt.

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