Find everything you need to grow microgreens.
Sale!In 3 complete days of fully mentored live online training, we teach you everything you need to know about professional urban microgreen farming. This tailored group training is developed so you can hit the ground running, without spending tens of thousands of euros on research, development and making mistakes re-inventing the wheel. You get the inside knowledge of the founders of InstaGreen, the mistakes and the successes. After this training, you will be a true urban farmer who is able to start growing microgreens right away and build a profitable business out of that. On top of that, you get private consultancy from us. We support you 1 on 1 on your specific urban farming journey. You decide when and on which topics or hurdles we help you.
Sale!This pack contains 3 the wonderful to experiment and treat your taste-buds.
In 3 complete days we teach you, 1 on 1, everything you need to know about professional microgreen farming. This private training is developed so you can hit the ground running, without spending tens of thousands of euros on research, development and making mistakes re-inventing the wheel. After 3 days of training, either at our farm in Barcelona or online, you will be a true urban farmer who is able to start growing microgreens right away and build a profitable business out of that. On top of that you get 8 hours of consultancy from us. We support you 1 on 1 on your specific urban farming project. You decide when and on which topics or hurdles we can best help you.
Our choice of the typical 10x20” tray, also known as “flats” Because of their perfect size: 50 × 26.5 × 3.3 cm, you can fit exactly 4 of these trays with holes in each smart watering tray of the InstaGreen system, not wasting any space. (most 1020 trays are slightly longer and thus far from optimal in size)